Research Program

The USPOULTRY industry research grants program encompasses all segments of broiler, turkey, and commercial egg operations. To date over $36 million has been invested in the association's research program. One of USPOULTRY's key strategic objectives is to increase the availability and constant improvement of the quality and safety of poultry products through comprehensive research.

Comprehensive Research Program Competition



Spring 2025 Competition:
Research preproposals should be submitted electronically to U.S. Poultry & Egg Association by close of business (5:00 p.m. EDT) on November 1, 2024. USPOULTRY will email a request for full proposals on December 2, 2024. Full proposals should be submitted electronically by the close of business (5:00 p.m. EDT) on January 22, 2025. Competition results will be announced by April 1, 2025.

Fall 2025 Competition:
Research preproposals should be submitted electronically to U.S. Poultry & Egg Association by close of business (5:00 p.m. EDT) on May 1, 2025. USPOULTRY will email a request for full proposals on June 3, 2025. Full proposals should be submitted electronically by the close of business (5:00 p.m. EDT) on July 1, 2025. Competition results will be announced by September 17, 2025.


Researchers should submit only a one-page preproposal summary for the Comprehensive Research Program. Researchers should describe the problem(s) they wish to address, what they propose to do, and how their proposed project relates to USPOULTRY's published research priorities. A title, the researcher's name and affiliation, and an email address should be included in the preproposal. Details of procedures or budget specifics should not be included in the submissions, PREPROPOSALS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN PDF FORMAT ONLY.

The outcome of the preproposal review will be one of three responses:

  1. Provide a full research proposal for consideration.
  2. USPOULTRY is not interested in funding research on the proposed subject; or
  3. Please make some modifications in what you are proposing and then send a full proposal.



Full proposals should be prepared according to published USPOULTRY guidelines. All proposals should be written with minimal jargon so that professionals from all disciplines can understand them. Successful proposals are directed toward an important industry problem; clearly written with well-defined objectives, and reasonably priced with realistic budgets. Most of the proposals selected for funding have a timeline of 1-2 years.

THE PROPOSAL SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN PDF FORMAT AS ONE COMPLETE DOCUMENT. Cover letters, article reprints, letters of support, etc. should be included as a part of the complete PDF submission. If multiple documents are provided, only the proposal will be reviewed.

Please address each item of the format completely, but briefly:

Cover Sheet - Please include the following:

  1. Title of Project (limit of 180 characters/spaces)
  2. Name of University (or research organization)
  3. Principal Investigator (project leader or contact person)
  4. Complete Address and Telephone Number
  5. Department
  6. Co-investigators
  7. Date Submitted
  8. Total Funds Requested
  9. Duration of Project
  10. Entity to Which the Check will be Made Payable including: Contact Person, Complete Mailing Address, and Email.
  11. Keywords (up to four) optional

If the project will be administered by a university or an experiment station official, give the name and address of the official.


The second page of a proposal is an abstract limited to one page of double-spaced typing. It should include the following:

  1. A brief statement of the industry problem to be investigated
  2. The objectives of the research
  3. The approaches to be used to achieve the objectives
  4. The potential value to the poultry industry of the research

*Limit the number of pages of Items 1-5 to 10 or less.

  1. Title of Project
  2. Investigator(s)
  3. Objectives: List the specific goals of the project.
  4. Justification: Justify the proposal in light of current industry practice or problems, and discuss the short- and long- range cost-benefit potential of achieving the objectives and how the proposed project relates to USPOULTRY's published research priorities.
  5. Procedures: Outline the protocol designed to achieve the objectives, including the experimental design, replications, etc. If confidential or proprietary information is contained in the proposal, it must be noted in bold type on the first sheet referencing page and paragraph. Pages and paragraphs must also be similarly highlighted.
  6. Literature Review: Please cite known research on the same subject (reference key investigators only). Indicate how this proposal differs from previous or current research.
  7. Resume of Investigator(s) (one page per investigator)
  8. Current or Previous Research on Subject (if any) by Investigator(s)
  9. Facilities and Equipment Required and Available for This Project
  10. Research Timetable: Include date project is proposed to begin and date project is proposed to end.
  11. Personnel Support Provided by the University (or research organization)
  12. Financial Support: From the university (or research organization) and from other sources, including those from whom other funds for this project have been requested.
  13. Institutional Units Involved
  14. Budget: Direct Cost Factors- Please itemize all areas of need. Include the cost per animal unit, if any. Funds can be used for graduate students, technicians, research supplies, work travel and meeting travel. Funds cannot be used for professional (faculty or postdoc) salaries or major equipment purchases.

    Indirect Costs-The industry- generated funds that support USPOULTRY research projects are not intended to provide the general overhead costs of research institutions. Proposals must allocate the lowest possible percentage of the funding for indirect costs, if at all. Indirect costs must be held to a minimum but never exceed 15 percent.

    Total Funds Requested - Total of direct and indirect costs.

  15. Required Letter of Industry Support. This letter should recognize your proposal as a need within the industry and how it could provide solution that would be economical and practical.
  16. The following statement is required with all proposals and must be signed by the appropriate officials of the university (or research organization) and the principal investigator. This signed statement must accompany the original proposal or the proposal will not be evaluated.

The (Department) of (University or Research Organization) acknowledges and agrees to the following:

  1. To provide progress reports to USPOULTRY on the research project every six months until the project is completed. These reports can be a brief concise statement of progress toward the objectives of the project. This report does not need to include detailed charts or figures. A reminder of the progress reporting will be sent to the investigator just before the due date. If the progress report is more than 30 days late, an "alert" letter will be sent to the investigator and to the administrative office. Following failure to reply within two weeks of issuance of this warning letter, a notification will be sent to the administrative officer and the investigator that no additional monies will be paid to that grant until the report has been received.

  2. To provide the final project report (using the format for final reports) of the results within three months following completion of the funded research project. A reminder will be sent to the investigator of the need to provide a final report at the completion date. If the final report has not been received in three months following the reminder notice, an "alert" letter will be sent to the investigator and the administrative office. Following failure to reply within two weeks of issuance of this warning letter, a notification will be sent to the administrative officer and the investigator that no additional monies will be paid to that institution (or research organization) until the report has been received.

  3. USPOULTRY will disburse funds as follows throughout the term of the project: 25 percent of total allocated funds at the beginning of project; 25 percent of funds at end of first quarter-term (six months for two-year projects, etc.); 25 percent of funds at mid-term (one year for two-year projects, etc.); and final 25 percent of funds at completion of project and receipt of final report.

  4. Unexpended funds at the termination of the project may be used at the discretion of the principal investigator if these funds are no more than 5 percent of the total award or $1,000. Funds in excess of 5 percent of the award or $1,000 should be returned to USPOULTRY.

  5. All research conducted regarding this research proposal will comply with the provisions of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee as specified by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA in 9 CFR Part 1 (1-91).

  6. To give permission to USPOULTRY to provide the information generated by this research project to the poultry industry. By accepting the funding provided by USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation, the researcher and research institution grant to USPOULTRY the right and license to share the results of the research with, and provide links or copies of the final research report to, its membership and the research community through USPOULTRY's website, direct and electronic mail, or any other form of dissemination.

  7. USPOULTRY makes no claim on discoveries or invention patents made by scientists/institutions utilizing USPOULTRY research funds. USPOULTRY assumes no liability associated with either the conduct of research or the outcome or use of research findings acquired with USPOULTRY funds.

    Authorized Signatures:
  1. Principal Investigator,
  2. Department Head,
  3. University or Research Organization Official