Membership Options

The U.S. Poultry & Association is 468 members strong and includes producers and processors of broilers, turkeys, ducks, eggs, and breeding stock, as well as allied companies. If not already a member, we hope you will consider joining us today!

If you have any questions regarding applying for membership or membership renewal, contact Benjamin Starkey, Technical Communications Manager, or 770-635-9057.

Renewal Option

$400.00 per year

All Member Types

Regular, International and Allied members can renew thier membership online. Enter your invoice and member number into the fields below.

Calendar Year (January 1 - December 31)

New Member Options

Regular Member

Any firm or corporation directly engaged in the production or processing of poultry or eggs within the United States, as determined by the Board of Directors.

Calendar Year (January 1 - December 31)

$400.00 per year Apply


International Member

Any firm or corporation that supplies products/services to the industry and/or in the production or processing of poultry or eggs.           

Calendar Year (January 1 - December 31)

$400.00 per year Apply


Allied Member

Any firm or corporation having trade or financial interest in common with those composing the regular membership, but not qualifying as a Regular or International Member.

Calendar Year (January 1 - December 31)

$400.00 per year Apply


University/Trade Association Member

Affiliated U.S. universities, trade associations and similar organizations that support or assist member companies in the production or processing of poultry or eggs. Complimentary.

This category is subject to USPOULTRY approval.

Free Apply

University/Trade Association Member